Vivacia has been up all day, mining and working on her crafting skills. Mining is kindof fun, running around looking for veins to quarry. The Black Shroud might not be the most inspiring of areas and the scenery is quite monotunous, but sure, I get a good workout! Crafting is very tricky on the other hand. Making simple things requires many different parts from many different professions, and some make no sense. Like, why would I need a level 11 blacksmith to make components for a level 5 axe, when the finished product can be made by a level 4 blacksmith? Really?
Anyhow, I found Viv a nice new top from a merchant at Camp Emerald Moss. It fits her quite nicely, don't you think? Tomorrow she will kick ass in this getup. Well, if she can find someone to repair her broken undergarments... that, thankfully, she can now remove. What a relief!

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