Not much time for chatting and blogging today... Viv has found a new city with tons of things to explore! The road there was fairly uneventful, but I did see some dragons on the way! Yay! Dragons!
Maybe this city will offer some challenges worthy of my attention. Killing mushrooms and squirrels isn't really that stimulating. Kitty needs a dragons to play with! Also, it was very nice to find a more open area - I was getting sick and tired of the green labyrinth of the Black Shroud!
To get to this city from Gridania, just head south and follow the road - do not stray, the dragons will kick you ass! And remember to tag some crystals on the way, so that you can teleport to that location later.
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om final fantasy xiv, ffxiv, vivacia, gridania, dragons, exploration
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