- Journal of the Kitty

This is the journal of Vivacia Hoshi, an adventurous kitty in the world of Final Fantasy XIV. Find me in the deep woods of the Siren server and please enjoy these tales of my travels.

tisdag 2 november 2010

Kitty takes a time out

Final Fantasy XIV sucks.

Plain and simple.

I shall now spend some time in Real Life, and then I shall attempt to play Rift and/or Star Wars. If FFXIV shape up, I may rejoin the "fun" in the future.

Until then. Miao.

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This is a personal blog, I am in no way affilated with Square Enix and the opinions expressed in this blog should not be interpreted as being representative of the creators of the game nor even of the gaming community. If you don't like my opinions, get your own or go hump a giga sheep. Peace.